A Thank You!

As Beneath the Ashes completes the first month of its release, I’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported it along the way.


Watching a book launch into the ether feels a little like losing a part of myself. I’ve spent over a year in its company, watched it grow and bloom. Rewritten, edited and worked the script until it is the best I can achieve, but I never feel truly confident until the first reviews bed in. Luckily, Beneath the Ashes hasn’t disappointed and is now sitting pretty with over forty reviews on Amazon!

This wouldn’t have happened without the help of so many people along the way. Not least the lovely book bloggers, including those who participated in the blog tour and hosted, reviewed and shared their heart out. It takes a lot of skill to read and provide a balanced review of a novel (without giving away spoilers), load it onto a blog and make the post look lovely, then share it across the social media networks. This is something these people do simply for the love of reading and it makes a huge difference to an author like me. So, I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the book bloggers and reviewers who have supported Beneath the Ashes release. Details of the tour are above in case you missed any of the posts.

I’d also like to express my gratitude to all the authors who have endorsed, shared and RT’d. The book world is such a great place to be a part of and I hope that I can return the favour to you sometime.

Finally, I’d like to thank all the lovely readers who’ve tweeted and messaged me about how much they’ve enjoyed the book, and left reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I really appreciate your support.