New Books for 2021 & 2022!


I hope you are keeping well in these challenging times.

I’m delighted to finally be able to share some exciting news with you today. I have signed a two-book deal with the innovative Canelo publishing house for psychological suspense novels! The first book, One Good Lie, will be published in June.

One Good Lie is the story of two sisters, Ruby and Sophie, in the wake of the brutal murder of their mother. The killer has been convicted and life is beginning to settle, when they suddenly discover that danger is still out there and closer than they realise.

These psychological suspense novels will be standalone stories which marks a slightly different direction for me, albeit with the usual mysterious twists and turns. I hope you enjoy spending as much time with Ruby and Sophie as I did! More details on the second book to follow.

I will also be continuing with my detective fiction and can assure fans of the DCI Helen Lavery series that I’m currently writing a new Helen thriller for release in 2022. Again, more about that later.

Thank you for reading my update. I look forward to sharing more details on One Good Lie and the other novels with you soon.

Meantime, be safe and keep reading!

Jane x